It has been a while… too much training and not enough
blogging!!! These past couple months have been busy and crazy but I suppose
that is just life!! There have been a few obstacles causing more rest time than
I would’ve liked …. Strep throat went through the family, Damien went to Las
Vegas for work, and I’ve been having trouble finding the right balance between
maintaining this household and training. These setbacks have been really good
for me though. It’s allowed me to take a step back and refocus on what this
race is all about.
I’ve come to realize that Ironman is not only about physical
training, it’s about mental training as well.
These past months I’ve been reading some amazing books which have given
me a new perspective. Most notably are the books “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann
Voskamp and “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis. I’ve always found peace when God
is the focus in my life but it’s so easy to get weighed down and distracted by
everyday challenges. Lately I’ve been trying to live in a state of gratitude -finding
the good and appreciating the moment no matter what the circumstances. I have a
long way to go before I ever master this but it’s been a great learning
experience. My mentor is my Dad. I will always remember the last few months
when he was with us. I believe these moments show who a person really is. My
Dad was always full of hope and optimism – I remember when my Mom told someone
that my Dad’s right shoulder was losing strength, my Dad made sure she also told them that he
was gaining strength on his left side. He became very reflective towards the
end and I would see him just sitting and taking everything in, always with a
slight smile on his face. He was the one putting us at ease with his
determination to fight, his determination to get his strength back, his determination
to keep going. He never dwelled on the terminal diagnosis; his focus was always
on what he needed to do next.
I’m trying to apply this to my own life now. Even in the
midst of chaos I’m trying to maintain a place of thankfulness and when I do
this it’s amazing how peaceful everything becomes. I think of Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy – dwell on these things.” So God, in response to all
my obstacles, I want to thank You for the illnesses my family recovers from, I
want to thank You for a husband that works hard for us, I want to thank You for
a household that I have to maintain, I want to thank You for the ability to
swim, to bike and to run. And although I’m not in a place – and I don’t know if
I ever will be in a place – to thank You for the loss of my Dad, I can thank
You for the gifts You’ve given because of it. And Dad… I want to thank you. For
in your fight to hold onto life you’ve taught me how to truly live mine.
I want to also mention some very special grateful moments
from this weekend. My sweet nephews James and Andrew sold some lemonade to
raise money for the Brain Tumour Foundation for my race in Mont Tremblant!!!
They were so excited to set up their stand and they gave me their proceeds with
pride!! I am also very thankful that the bench we had dedicated to my Dad is
ready and at it’s home in the Arboretum in Guelph -just in time for the one
year anniversary of his passing. We are having a celebration of my Dad next
weekend and are looking forward to bringing everyone to the bench for photos!