Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Why of it all!!!

There are a few reasons as to why I want to start this blog. The first is to share this experience with friends and family so they can be updated on how the training is going! Another reason is to keep this as a record for myself as a tribute to my Dad. Something I can look back on and remember all these training sessions when I feel him by my side. And the final reason is to keep this as a memoir for my kids. As a way of ridding myself from the guilt I feel as I put them in front of the TV again so that I can hop on the bike trainer. I want their lasting memory of this time to be less about the TV and more about the fact that when you are passionate about something, you set a goal and work towards it. I want them to see that on those days when it would be so much easier to stay in bed or curl up on the couch, you choose to keep going because the purpose is too important to you.
I'm anticipating a few challenges - it would be boring without the challenges! Being a stay at home Mom to 3 young boys is busy enough and this training has become my part-time job! I can already see that my big challenge will be having an abundance of patience and energy! A tired and sore Mom still has to be a loving Mom! Another challenge is fitting in my training and Damien's training. I love that we are both doing this race but that in itself is posing as an obstacle! We are already playing tag team as one gets in the door the other one leaves! We still want to carve out that precious family time that we enjoy so much.
All these challenges are balanced out by all of my advantages though!! I have an amazing family who are just as excited as I am about this race and are more than willing to help. My Mom has already come over on quite a few occasions to watch the boys! Closer to the race I think she will become the permanent Saturday parent!! My sister, Sherra, and her wonderful family, husband Pat and boys James and Andrew, are also excited about the race! She is willing to help out where ever needed!! And my brother Matt and his fiance Nequita offer lots of encouragement!! My other advantage is actually a bit selfish. When I train it is time for myself. Time for me to think about my Dad and remember all the times in my life that I shared with my Dad. I feel closer to him then I do any other time and that gets me excited about training! My final big advantage is my faith! It has always played an important role in my life but has grown stronger than ever during this time. Faith was important to my Dad and was one of the gifts he passed on to our family. So with my Dad on my one side and God on the other I feel very equipped to achieve this goal!
I look forward to sharing this journey!!


  1. 4:06 am? Is that really when you posted this? :)

    Can't wait to follow your journey!

    1. Oh no - I was sleeping at 4:06am!! I think I need to change the blog clock!!
