Another MASSIVE thank you to my sister Sherra, Pat, James, Andrew and to my Mom!!! We could never have done this without you guys!!! From the moment you arrived in Mont Tremblant we relied on your help with the boys, cooking the meals, keeping everyone in the loop and keeping us calm!!! When you feel like you're going to either pass out from nerves or hang out in the toilet all day - there isn't much room for patience with kids and you guys completely took over and we can't thank you enough for everything!!!!
The actual race day was early (4:30am wake up), cold (7 degrees in the morning), extremely busy and crowded, and at points in the day there were downpours of rain with thunder!!! Josh also had the croup and was miserable!! Our supporters endured all of that to be there for us and to help pay tribute to my Dad!! What an incredible honour!!
I also want to thank EVERYONE for all their support in any shape or form!!! I want you to know that we appreciated every donation ($5000!!!!!!!!!!!!), story, comment, facebook likes and messages that you sent. All of that support in any way it came was a huge honour to my Dad and I will forever be grateful for it. You added fuel to the day and helped power me and Damien around the course!!!
I will write all about the day when we get back but I feel so overwhelmingly grateful to everyone so I needed to send this message!! I can't believe we raised $5000 for the Brain Tumour Foundation!! At one point on the run I was thinking how hard the race was getting and how much it was hurting - and then I thought "of course it's hard Kristen - people don't give $5000 for something easy!!". So I hope we managed to earn the donations!!
Thank you so much again everyone!! Can't wait to take some time to sit down and share all the emotions of the day!!!
We are just so incredibly amazed by the both of you! To say your father would be proud is an understatement. You are a great inspiration.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to hear more when you get back from camping... I am glad you get to relax camping now, much deserved!